...which means RED PASSION!

Akai Jounetsu

My name is Isabelle Marti. I’m Swiss, a German native speaker, and I’ve been living in Italy since 1990. I was born in a small village in Switzerland, There I lived in a house across the street from my grandparents’ farm. Since I was a child I’ve had the privilege of growing up among animals, and I used to help my family in the countryside.

But I was particularly attracted by the magic of raising puppies, and I always took the chance of following the birth moments of calves. Whenever I was allowed, I tried to be present at the birth of calves. I was also always happy when I was allowed to take care of a litter of dogs or cats.

At the age of 10, I decided to try raising animals myself. With the money from my piggy bank, which I received on birthdays, I bought a bird cage and a pair of budgies. This is how I started the breeding. At some point my cage became too small and my father built me an aviary. There I bred wave and cockatiels for almost 10 years.

That year my husband and I moved to Italy. To the province of Rimini, where I had three Persian cats and a mixed breed dog for the next 10 years.

2000 – 2003
With the births of my sons Nico (in 2000) and Sasha (2003) I got fulltime invested in raising puppies. A task I’m still continuing today.

007 Then, in 2007, we attended a dog show taking place during a fair, where for the first time I saw a little Black & Tan Shiba Inu. I was immediately struck by its appearence, and from the first information we gathered from the owner I understood this was a dog like no other.

At once, I started looking for more and more facts about this little race I had never seen before. All I knew at that point was that Shiba would make for the perfect dog for my family and me.

We later agreed on going visit a large kennel not to far away from home, where I met my first Shiba, Temari del Biagio, daughter of the world champion Verusca del Biagio. She was an adorable fluffy ball of fur and it was love at first sight as she ran towards me.

This way, almost randomly, started our passion for this incredible breed!

Raising the little Temari, I realised this special being was one to be known in depth, so I waited until I felt ready for my first litter. It was a magical and intense experience.

From that moment I chose to define my own idea and mission:

  • To live in contact with the Shiba, and not to keep them in boxes outside.
  • To manage a couple of litters a year, thus being able to focus better on the puppies.
  • To test the breeding dogs with health screening in order to breed the healthiest puppies possible, free of genetic defects.
  • Raising puppies so that they enjoy good imprinting and develop as good a character as possible. They should be used to family life so that they can be placed without problems.
  • To inform the new owners about the breed in depth. To assist families with questions even after the puppies have been purchased.
  • To breed the dogs according to the standard so that they can participate in dog shows (Expo).

Our Shibas
belong to the family!